Twitter: LexWili
IG: alexawill

Thursday, March 5, 2015


I liked the fact that someone chose to make a movie about the first African-american regimen. The 54th was a brave group of men and I enjoyed watching their journey and struggle to learn to fight for their country which they eventually died for. The movie made me feel proud of my country and the 54th regimen who also defended their country knowing that things would not be very different for them. The scene where Shaw announced to his men that they could be killed or sent back to slavery had a lasting impression on me because they did not leave. The next day they were still there and ready to fight. I thought Denzel Washington's character was particularly interesting because of his pessimistic attitude towards everything yet he still fought and trained to be a solider. This story applies to today because of all the recent racial turmoil going on in our country today.

I think people are willing to die for their country because of the way they were raised. Some people are raised to have complete pride for their country and therefore are willing to sacrifice for the well-being of it. The men of the 54th and Robert Shaw are definitely heroes. They sacrificed their lives and risked their freedom for the betterment of a country. They died willingly in order to leave a legacy and better life for their children.

This story is significant because it documents the first black regiment in our nation's history and it marks the beginning of an important turning point in our nation's history on the journey towards freedom. If people like Shaw and the 54th regiment had not fought so bravely we would not be in the position we are today.

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