Twitter: LexWili
IG: alexawill

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Apollo 13

Apollo 13 is a movie documenting the journey of 3 astronauts to the moon and back home on the Apollo 13 space mission. I liked the movie because it was action-packed and entertaining but also documented the mission. The movie made me feel very anxious and had me engaged for a long time. The directors and actors of the movie did a great job in documenting the true events aboard the Apollo 13 aircraft while still managing to keep viewers entertained. The most interesting character to me was Ken who at the last minute was told he was no longer allowed to go to space but when he was called on to help save Apollo 13 he did so willingly and put forth his best effort. This movie still applies today because it's nice to learn about the former missions of NASA even though the program has been terminated.

The main theme of this movie is Perseverance. Even though the crew on the Apollo 13 flight faced many challenges and had to endure many hardships and tumultuous conditions, they still never gave up hope of making it home safely and did all that they could to save themselves.

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